Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Building a furniture brand

Convincing someone to invest in a quality piece of furniture is no easy task. Stores like Ikea and low-cost imported furniture are seductive to cash-strapped consumers and have helped create a throwaway culture.
Mark McKelvey, a Maine woodworker who lost his shop to arson in 2009 understands fine furniture is a hard sell and is now promoting Maine woodworkers online. His non-profit Web site,
www.MaineFurniture.org was founded to add value to Maine’s custom woodworkers and furniture makers. “I found it very difficult to promote my business without spending thousands, and thousands of dollars in website design and maintenance, magazine ads, and trade shows.”
McKelvey’s community-based marketing strategy is simple — promote and brand Maine’s woodworking talent. Potential customers can browse different shops, read bios, look at pictures, watch videos and visit a shop’s Web site, if they have one.

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